should i be freaking out for the SAT? im not sure. its next week. i want to feel prepared, so im convincing myself that i am.
but really, thats not even the main issue. if i could just get away. be on my own already. parents are just weighing me down. so is the authority of the school. i am just so ready to be out of highschool and out of parents control. mother's nag. i cant wait. year and a half. thats it. its march. januaryfebuary, and 6 days of march. that leaves 25 days of march and april may and 10 days in june. WOW! aprilmay. thats only like 90 days! thats only like 3 months. i added it up, not counting spring break or weekends, theres only SIXTY FIVE days of school left. that is uhmazing. 65. im going to start counting down, let the rest of the miserable school population know too.