Monday, October 5, 2009

the ride up

rollercoasters; i either love them or hate them, but i typically hate them first. its the initial climb up the giant hill that gets me, the anticipation and anxiousness combined while sitting there waiting to come up and over,
and then eventually fall.
the fall is always scary as crap, i clutch on to anything for dear life, and then when the coaster hits the fellow swoop that brings you back up, my stomach reaches the rest of my body and i realize im okay and the cart isnt going to break either.

but i have to live it first, i have to test the water before jumping in.

lets say theres two coasters, coaster one is in a nicely lit area, doesnt look too tipsy tourney, goes upside down a few times, it looks a little fun actually. its steel, its stable and sturdy; you like it. its familiar and comforting. it goes fast, but its not scary. the slower parts are calm but enjoyable. its your friend's favorite coaster too.

coaster two looks familiar, but the differences are clear; its aged and damaged, its had too much time. some twists and turns look skeptical, and there are some killer drops. from what you can tell, all of the coaster is there, but part of it is blocked off by the first coaster. there are certain spots that look like they are about to break any moment. and you see that some tracks have been replaced, so its more smooth in certain areas, but those areas are followed by some of the worse looking tracks. the carts are an attractive color, and its got a catchy name. youre oddly attracted to it, yearning for the daring experience, a chance to be brave. but you also want to ride it for your own curiosity, despite the epic and notable faults.

which would you choose?
would you stick with something plain and simple, familiar,
or would you try something drastically daring and risky, unknowing if you'd come out okay?

1 comment:

  1. knowing plain old safe mama me, my first instinct would be to stick with the plain and simple one. but depending on the severity of the second, i would probably reconsider that first instinct. sometimes its good to take a risk and venture out.

    this life God has given us is all about taking risks, within reason of course. if we dont take risks, we may not get to enjoy the simplest pleasures.

    like doing the blob at camp, taking that risk of jumping off the 20ft high dock and free-falling for a splitsecond. how AWESOME is that split second? adrenaline rushing through your veins as your fall through the air. if we dont ever jump off that dock, we never get to TRULY experience camp! well not neccessarily, lol, but still.
    thats just one example though.

    how about waking up every day, seeing the sun rise and set. thats a risk righ there. we dont even have to get out of bed. but we do, risking all kinds of things that God saves us from. just so we can enjoy a day filled with his glory.

    so, basically. i think a little risk in life is good, but there IS an extent to that. you have to trust in God that He's gonna take care of you, despite the rough parts of the track, the patchy ones, the ones we can't even see. its all about trust.
