Monday, May 10, 2010

No Body.

hair. sometimes, you can look really nice. your curls are hidden beneath length, but we'll take care of that soon. you don't always like what i put on you, but you listen to me. and i thank you.

ears. you hear more than i want you to. i try very hard not to damage you in any way, because i rely on you constantly. you help me catch burglars in my house.

eyes. you have seen far too much. you feed the brain everything. though youre naturally weak, i still dont like forcing glass in front of you. thank you for having just enough cones and rods to decipher all the right colors. dont get aggravated easily. pollen doesnt do anything to you. thanks little bud, for being just the right shape.

lips. you let too much slide between of the both of you. is it because you were severely hurt at such a young age? sorry i dont give you enough chapstick.

shoulders. youre so sturdy. youre good at having others lean on you. keep it up.

boobs. sometimes, i wish you were a tad bigger. but take youre time. i think youre holding back.

stomach. because you have caused me stress. you just get in the way. i've abused you too much. im ready to help you now. please be cooperative.

arms. because you cannot carry the world. i wish you were stronger. im so careless with you. forgive all the ink i've pressed into you.

wrists. i wish you were covered in more bracelets. i pop you so much that it hurts sometimes. but you get too clouded for me to handle. please dont get arthritis.

hands. because you have helped to destroy my soul. you have created many things. some are worth pride, others shame. you aren't very pretty to look at, you have a lot of meaning behind you. youre quite destructive most of the time.

fingers. because you act on sin. though you are chubby, you can type fast. and you don't mind the hard metal strings of my guitar, so thats okay too. i wish you got along better with rings though. and im sorry for cracking you too.

legs. because you've changed so much. youre so reliable. but also, troublesome. i dont like the places you've carried me, though you've carried me far.

knees. i fall on you, but not in the right way. youre so scarred, but rough. i wish more things brought me to you.

calves. because no one thinks twice. you are so strong. but youre masked in too much. i want to show you off again. i know the power is there, but we need to build you up again. youre cramps kill me, by the way.

ankles. thanks for never being seriously hurt.

feet. because i do not like where you have brought me. i loved showing you off though. you seem to like grass, and you dont mind the outdoors. converses make you happy. i just wish i hadnt killed you too. im so sorry.

toes. youre quite the little stumps. but you dont get in the way. i just wish you werent so little.

mind. i do not like you. youre easily deceived and perceive everything wrong. you create too many emotions, and make me do stupid things. you open the door to the devil, to sin. i wish you were purer.

heart. because i wish you were friends with mind, so you could agree more. i know jesus lives in you somewhere, he's probably just hiding behind all the unhealthy crap that runs through you. i'm sorry you've been hurt and lied to. hold fast to my light please.

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