Wednesday, June 30, 2010

hey little world!

dear world of media,
your constant commercials are taking over.
seriously, we cant even GAS UP without having them shoved down our consumer throats.
and im starting to think that shows like American Idol and America's Got Talent are more commercial than they are show. this is my first time watching America's Got Talent, and let me depict to you what ive seen so far:
two minutes of introduction
background info on a person
"brought to you by" add.
talent. cut short talent. x2.
long commercial break. one act. commercial break. END.
yadda yadda. you get the point.

on the topic of America's Got Talent,
can i just share my opinion that i dont think singing and or dancing qualifies as talent? to me, its just not original. and i think that because a lot of people can do it. i dont mean that harshly, but i mean im watching America's Got Talent. NOT American Idol. so, show me the guy who sings about cheese. show me the crazy hula hooper. show me something that ive never seen before!!
HA! i just heard a commercial that says "everyone's got talent."
exceptttt kirsten stewart.
lets wake up from this illusion. and notice that in every single movie that kirsten stewart has been in, she has still sucked. ive seen her in three other movies and she's basically had the same role in every film: shrieking chick. like seriously. i dont know the name of the other movies, but i promise you, ive seen them. and they were not good.
just like the twilight movies.
the books- YEAH a good idea. not the greatest writing, but a cute fantasy for every tween girl.
BUT NOOOO, the media had to KILL it.
seriously. if it wasnt for the picture of edward cullen that has been described by stephanie meyer, no one would find anything about the twilight movies attractive.
the whole eclipse movie is really pissing me off. and i just have to get this off my chest.
you wait. breaking dawn. will ruin them all.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

follow the spiders?!

there are exactly 3824083205.2 spiders currently living in my house. theyre tiny tiny tiny, and you can only catch them if youre staring off into space and come back to reality, in which, ONLY THEN can you see them, when your eyes are refocusing to whats in front of you and not in your imagination; tiny, moving, hanging creatures!! and im not talking about Kreacher.
they are terrible. ive killed about 6 today. and then i was walking in my hallway and i saw a MEDIUMSIZEDSPIDER crawling around. i got scared and ran away. cause you know what happens when you FOLLOW THE SPIDERS?? you find BIGGER SPIDERS. and eventually, VOLDEMORT! hm. thats weird, i thought i autocorrected my cpu to change that to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. i feel bad for j.k rowling, having to type that so many times. cripes, after awhile i would just control-V that sucker, haha.

hmm. thats about all i got tonight.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


i hate how i have to turn on the stupid light to see.
its summer. not officially because its not monday. but it will be. but its already sucking. i didnt do anything today. except mow the grass. it wasnt that i couldnt do anything, i just felt tired. all day long. went to bed at like 10 and actually got out of bed around 12. its so hot in my room. and only my room. i swear, every other room is nice and air conditioned. but no. my dang room wont cool down. the window unit only makes it hotter, the fan only moves the heat around.
i hate that my bed is so uncomfortable. i miss my blue squishy pillow, i slept so well with that. im getting like no sleep, and thats why im so cranky and irritable. i just want to sleep. gosh, so badly i just want to sleep. what the heck is wrong with me?
i also want to shave my head. i hate my hair right now.
i have this stupid annoying cut on the side of my foot and it rubs up against everything.
I HATE HOW EVERYTHING ITCHES. i have 358238204585 million bugbites and they itch. so. badly. I HATE NOT BEING ABLE TO SCRATCH THEM TOO. cause if i scratch them, they will profusely bleed. and then scab. and then ill pick at the scab. then it will scab, unscab, rescab, and unscab about 8 more times, and it will SCAR. and i do not need any more stupid little scars. and there are so many stupid little bugs crawling around my house. i dont even know where they come from. same with the snakes and lizards. last year, we had a lizard problem, now we have snakes living in our bushes. and every little thing i see i think is a snake. its not like we live in the boondocks! but the wild interaction here sure seems like it.
i hate that my mom watched juno with me. that is MY movie, and here she is watching it with me, laughing at all the parts that arent supposed to be funny, RUINING IT. really, shes the source of all my problems. she keeps buying all this stupid shelving that we dont even need. im pretty sure she BOUGHT NEW things to actually put on the shelves. worst part, its all black. it doesnt even match. she says our house isnt finished. well its gonna take 4 moving trucks if we ever want to get out of this hellhole. ugh. i cant tell if im pmsing or if this is just built up.
i hate self discipline. its so hard to manage. cause if you screw up, you've got no one to blame but yourself. actually, anything that happens, everything you feel, its all because of you. theres no redirecting the emotions, you cant. because you KNOW that its your fault. I FEEL SO OUT OF PLACE. so disrupt. bothered. like my skin is too dry and my hair is too wet. and everything still itches. and im so tired, but i just cant sleep. nor can i cry. and thats just the worst.