Thursday, June 17, 2010

follow the spiders?!

there are exactly 3824083205.2 spiders currently living in my house. theyre tiny tiny tiny, and you can only catch them if youre staring off into space and come back to reality, in which, ONLY THEN can you see them, when your eyes are refocusing to whats in front of you and not in your imagination; tiny, moving, hanging creatures!! and im not talking about Kreacher.
they are terrible. ive killed about 6 today. and then i was walking in my hallway and i saw a MEDIUMSIZEDSPIDER crawling around. i got scared and ran away. cause you know what happens when you FOLLOW THE SPIDERS?? you find BIGGER SPIDERS. and eventually, VOLDEMORT! hm. thats weird, i thought i autocorrected my cpu to change that to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. i feel bad for j.k rowling, having to type that so many times. cripes, after awhile i would just control-V that sucker, haha.

hmm. thats about all i got tonight.

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