Tuesday, November 3, 2009

so i had this dream

i was in a house.
i think it was like a very large fraternity house or whatever its called.
anyways. a bunch of random people lived there. with me.
and we all had to attended this anonymous meeting for some habit. like counseling. at one point, a female counselor, rather than the typical male, came in and said she needed to run some tests on us. the whole thing looked like a dental office; we lied down in a dental chair and they poked around in our mouths and tried talking to us with all this junk in our mouths. a big pet peeve of mine. but then suddenly, the scene was switched and the woman said im timing you. run when you hear the buzzer. i was suddenly back into the frat house and i had to like get to the top of the house or something. [it was a large house, several stories.] when the buzzer went off i panicked. i didnt know my way around, and suddenly, the floors were filling with this dark green..goo. it was so gross. i think i depicted it as vomit, but i dont remember what it was. but suddenly, i was running for something, trying to make my way through this green crap. but it was like i was saving someone. and every time i ended up drowning in it. the woman would sigh, and run the simulation over again. once though, i got real close, but i was already up to my neck in this goo, and i ended up kicking myself through a window. i landed on the ground, somehow unharmed. but the scene had changed. i was on a large street corner, but it had a field of grass around it. there was a telephone pole on the corner, where a girl was standing. everyone was yelling and gasping, and talking. some time had passed, but the next thing i knew, the girl had either jumped or fallen from the very tall post. when she fell, i recognized her as a girl from my basketball class. for some reason, this really scared me. all of her friends were there, and they were just gasping at the site of her crumpled body. she had fallen into a ditch and her arm was disconnected from her body. no one was helping her, and so i did. when i reached her, she was so tiny, like a real person, only maybe i had the larger hand here. regardless, i picked her up and she felt heavy, but limp. it was scary.

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