Saturday, February 6, 2010

i learned in psychology that a toddler has egocentric thinking; meaning that they cannot view another perspective besides their own. "In a youg child's view, it is very possible that it rains because the sky is sad. If your baby brother gets sick and goes to the hospital, it could be your fault if you were mad at him the day before. If you want something very, very badly and it happens, then your wanting caused it to happen" (Benjamin Spock). but im wondering if we as humans really ever lose or grow out of that mentality. if we think that others reactions are just responses to our actions. i know i think like that. but i always correct myself. im not nearly that significant anyone's life to have such reactions. but how i would love to be! sometimes i read things and secretly hope they are about me. sometimes the irony is so crisp, how it relates to them, yet spells out my life, my wants. i am incredibly selfish! justification: is it so much to ask to be loved for who i am? i cant tell if this is genuine infatuation or simply because i want some one to love. sometimes though..i think we could be 'yolked,' as he call it. its something i never considered until now. oh the risk of telling! i feel very egocentric. and dramatic. but im hoping. and praying about it every day. i just hope he's in God's will.

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