Wednesday, February 3, 2010

one two three, counting out the signs we see

my cat bites my other cat in the neck and it just about breaks my heart. i yanked spike away from tiger and he bit his butt instead. maybe he was just playful, but it hurt him. even though tiger is older and bigger, spike is young and more active, and definitely more playful. he gets very rambunctious but it hurts tiger. tiger is getting old, and that makes me so sad. i love this cat to death. he's been my best friend forever. he gets sad too, like right now. we get eachother.
i know, hes a cat. but they are really smarter than we give them credit for. they're capable of problem solving and insight. theyre incredible creatures.
spike just tried to bite tiger again. i saved him. but they ran off, outside of my room. i hope hes okay.

1 comment:

  1. im right there with youuuuuuuuu.
