Monday, August 31, 2009

la la la la la :]

so im sitting here waiting for a file to download. my phone chord hasnt been working so i decided to unistall the program i use for it, and reinstall it. i hope it will work. so far so good. im pleased to say that i think im finally doing something right for once. i just thank God that he's given me a paitent heart, because this is taking up quite a long time.

so i know most people dont do this, but im gonna ramble a little here.
today started off fine. it rained on me on the bus stop and it felt really cool outside. like 70's!! i was so thrilled. it still feels really nice outside. i cant wait until it starts to get cooler out so i cant wear muh sleevies again ^^

oh crap. this samsung program thing keeps telling me i need to update my program. so im downloading like 13.8 something.. im just like.. uh.. "yes" to everything. UGH. I JUST WANT TO GET MY PICTURES OFF MY PHONE!

but yeah. so im so excited for art. but no one else in my art class is. i think i know the chick who sits next to me from QG. im not really sure. she looks reallllyyy familar. im ready to start some projects, to just dive in and make something! art is probably going to be my favorite classes this year.
math is going miserably unwell so far. i swear, if butler doesnt get it together by next monday im calling in a complaint. this is ridiculous. MAYBE IF YOU DIDNT LAY OFF ALL OF YOUR TEACHERS, YOU WOULDNT HAVE 15 KIDS WITHOUT ONE AND A CRAZY OLD LADY SITTING THERE WASTING YOUR MONEY. hahaha.

english isnt too hot either. i dont like anyone in that class and they all look at me like im stupid. which im not. which i try not to be.

oh hey look my downloads are finished! yay! lets go look at them!

im so proud. i finally hooked my phone up to my computer.
now i can put all my glorious pictures on facebook!

okay, and i really need to give the credit to God here. i was like about to loose hope and the next thing i knew, my fingers were directing themselves to my phone settings, and changed something on my phone to allow it to connect. i seriously didnt even realize it, but the next thing i knew, it connected.
that was God.
like that might sound stupid to you, but God works in weird ways.
thats how he shows himself to me. like placing lost items in front of me, or like suddenly giving me thoughts like during class that i might not know.
hes just cool like that :]

but uh, i just had to disconnect my phone so i could take a phone call. lets see if this will work again. sweet, its connected. :P

Sunday, August 30, 2009


i think its about time i tell my youth group how much i freakin love them. CC's critique inspired me. the whole time i was sitting there i reading it, i was like 'holy crap this girl is one of the prettiest i know, and shes dissing her awesome body?!' [no homo]. i was getting pretty upset. haha.

cecelia chapman. you are a beautiful person. inside and out. you have gorgeous hair that curls just the right ways and dries excellently when soaked with chlorine. you have an amazing eye color, and i'd kill for your soccer body ahahah. again, no homo. and in case you really havent noticed, we do call you momma for a reason. the attributes that come with a mother apply to you, courage, perseverance, integrity, kindness yet sternness, and of course, beauty. you keep us all in line, but in such a good way. i really look up to you as a sister in christ too. your faith also seems so.. intact! i admire how strong of a christian and as a person you are.did i mention what a freakin genuis you are?! oh, and dont let people discourage you, your so much bettter than that :]

steffhiney. you too look down on yourself too much. you say youre fat. well guess what, you are THIN. you just see your height and your boobs [haha]. me, i see your personality. i love all of your annoying quirks. i dont care if your family is messed up, idk how you managed it, but you came out AMAZING. youre so much fun to be around, so.. interesting ahahha. youre definitively not a horse, but you are a veggie lover and im proud of you for keepin it up. i think you and i get things that no one else gets. we have a lot in common and its nice to have some one like that. stephine nicole price, i will always love you.

abigayle. i love how you always manage to look good. i dont care if you dont shower or if your breath stinks or if your clothes dont match. YOU STILL LOOK GOOOD. youre hysterical and you get away with it. you are one incredible artist. seriously, you have a lot of potential with that. your perspective on life is so different that its inspiring. i think people see you and see a crazy white girl. but i see an incredible human being. its weird how only three years ago i saw you, this LONG HAIRED cheerleader, brittnay mini me, lol. and now, youre this astonishing chick molded into God's hands. i absolutely adore you abiiiideee.

gabby! i love you child! youre so funny when you try and insult people, mainly cause all we hear is your love. its awesome how you get away with crap that no one else can. you have the best taste in music. not too many people our age are into the oldies like you, and that makes you so unique, but in a great way. you are such a cool person. dont let highschool intimidate you. its gonna suck, sorry. but i hope you find some happiness in it. STAY STRONG!

ah, stephen, stephen, stephen. where to begin? youre not like any guy i know. first off, your christian for cryin out loud! do you know how rare it is, to find an honest christian guy who's not jerkish? haha dont get me wrong, sometimes i want to punch you in the ovaries, but for the most part youre awesome, no offense hahah :] youre like a brother to me, i feel like ive known you forever but havent grown close until we grew up. you radiate christ and i love it. i think God has amazing plans for you. i love the late night slexts, and how we can talk about anything. i think we understand eachother in so many ways. you mean a lot to me bruh.

robert!! dude youre the coolest southern guy i know. if i had to ask for another older brother, it would be you. youre protective and loving- what more could a girl ask for? youre a Godly guy and your faith is impetuous. youre a good person to fall back on, very reliable. thankyou for not being a jerkface :] i love you!

la la la leah: remember back to the old days when we were both dragged to choir practice and we played together? gosh we were so silly then. i remember the rock poker, and imaginary friends [oh gosh] and the monkeys. DEFINITIVELY the monkeys. hahah ohh my gosh. we were some strange kids. i miss that. i think we both changed drastically. sometimes i wish it was still like that, where we could pretend all of our problems away. i miss hanging out with you. youre such an incredible persn. if you really ever need me, you know im here :]

to all my loves:
i really will forever love you guys. youre some of the most important people in my life. forget school friends, i have my YOUTH GROUP. theyre some of the most awesome people ever.
i think the friendships we have are impenetrable. and thats because of jesus. without him, we wouldnt have known eachother. seriously. you guys are one of the best things thats ever happened to me.
thanks God for giving me the best friends, ever :]

Friday, August 28, 2009


i tend to not understand things. i ask a lot of questions. mainly the basics, but i dont need a brochure.
i struggle in school, but i play it off well. i normally stumble through my classes, landing with a solid B. i have a habit of biting my nails when im puzzled, or bored for that matter. and i always read labels on energy drinks to laugh at the taurine amounts. its always 1000mg.

i always compare my actions to those around me, just to double check im living life correctly, cause sometimes my handbook switches languages. i mispronounce words all the time, but in my mind they sound right to me. though i think most people just hear stupid when my lips move. i have awful stagefright, you can see it in when my papers vibrate. i replay conversations over and over, sometimes changing them so they dont sound as bad, but i always know what was really said.

i'd like to think my subconscious is non-existent, and that i have all my small habits, annoying perks, and unsaid thoughts tucked away neatly in a file cabinet in the back of my mind. but someone keeps adding restricted files to it so its hard to get in there. i just need a bobby pin to pick the lock.

people are the most peculiar things to me. some are predictable, and some never fail to amaze me. but then there are those who try so hard to be "spontaneous," that their spontaneity is highly predictable. i kind of want to walk up to them and say a series of weird words just to watch them freak out, cause most of them are like that. did i mention i try not to stereotype?

i felt guilty when i didnt mention jesus in my english class two days ago. we were talking about "characters larger than life," and names such as michael jackson, and chuck norris, and oprah, and shakespeare. and the whole time i was racking my brain to think of important people in history, and never once did i think jesus. im an awful christian. i didnt do the lord justice, and i almost (30 minutes later) raised my hand and said that i had another example of a larger than life character. but my english class already intimidates me enough.

sometimes i go too far. i get too attached, too obsessed. not clingy, but i write "worried" over every excuse note. there is such thing as caring too much, and caring too less. examples of both confide in my household.

typically, im at a loss for words. but during times like these, i have a whole mouthful, just nothing worth saying, or no friendship worth ruining.

or saving, really. depends how you view it. but whats said is said and what's gone is gone. there arent any take backs, no repeats, no game overs, no retries.

just life.
now watch it go on.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

what happened?

is anyone else horrified by what our world is becoming? i cant believe how blind i've been by this all my life.

JEWS. say something against them and you get the antisemitism card pulled on you.
MUSLIMS. poke fun at their apparel and get lectured on their choices.
ATHEISTS. say something against an atheist and get looked down upon for not respecting a right.
CHRISTIANS. say something negative and watch everyone else join in.

Christians. We suffer more than the Jews ever did. And yet, no one cares but us.

why is it that when people give lectures on respecting religions, that christianity never gets accounted for.
why are christians the only ones accused of being hypocrites? do we all not drive cars yet complain about the destruction of our ozone?

why is it that we are mocked for having strong beliefs, for having confidence in something, for not being swayed by the media, for not acting like the rest of the world?

in the mid 1900's, blacks got punished for having a different skin color.
we all look back on it now and have clearly accepted them; they are a part of american history.
yet as the years wage on, our country is becoming less attracted to christianity. is it not what got us here in the first place? so why are people every day getting rebuked for living the christian life? do they not see that we are getting treated just as the jews were at the beginning of the holocaust or during segregation?

so tell me, world,
why do you choose to believe a theory that was thought up of merely 200 years ago. why do you deny one of the oldest books in the history of time?

why do you turn your nose to christianity when its what founded our country?
america seems to be all about nationalism, and being united as one, so why dont we practice what brought our country together in the first place?

america is quick to deny the truth yet eager to accept that which hasnt been proved.

why does america want to remove 'in God we trust" from our currency? why change history, why erase all of the past just because it doesnt apply to your life. why cant people have respect towards christianity like they would a buddhist or a mormon or a naturalist.

suddenly, "Jesus" has become a taboo in schools. a bad word. a curse word. and yet, a whisper of his name could have healed someone two thousand years ago.

its written clearly in front of us.
so why cant we see it?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

here we go again.

so, first day of school was absolutely boring. maybe because it was all predictable? i have a few friends in some of my classes, but there are those like algebra and english where i know close to no one. i wondered how i appeared to them. girl in glasses, knows the answer, laughs at the teacher's corny jokes [what can i say, im a sucker for a good pun,] gee, im youre typically class pet. bhaha not really, but im afraid i appear to people like that. i shouldnt care, but i do.

i dont have a math teacher. apparently, he/she will arrive by monday. hmph.
and my biology teacher is on maternity leave. she was big pregnant. but from reading her classroom rules and guidelines and what not, she seems fun. you can tell by how she writes. the best part is, i think she might be a christian. on the safety lab procedures sheet, at the end of the opening paragraph she wrote "Whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God." come on! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?
and then on the back she wrote like a safety contract form, and you have to check off stuff, and the last one reads "Glorify my Lord by conducting myself in a responsible christian manner at all times in the lab."

you cant tell me thats not awesome? but it makes me wonder what all the non believers will think about that.

ah, but anyways.
after seeing everyone else's blog's, it makes me think two things:
-mine looks like crap and ive officially given up on trying to make it look good like stephen's
-im still not quite sure if im supposed to let emotion slip into these. or if its supposed to be like a journal entry or what..


last day of the best summer

i specifically told myself i was going to bed at 10:30.
its 10:38.
i just couldnt let the last day of summer end so abruptly. so i didnt have a picture perfect summer ending like the one on the sisterhood of the traveling pants. i didnt sit out on my roof and watch the sunset like i wanted to. however mowing the grass while singing praise songs and ever so often, looking up at the pink and blue sky does suffice.

i wanted to remember every bit of this summer, it seemed so good. and for once, it didnt seem to fly by. to say im missing school is not the right term. neither is wanting to be there. more like... need to be there. some people hate the school environment, infact, most christians do. but i sort of see it as an expirement, and i guess a chance to be different. it thrills me knowing that im one of few people who will get to see jesus one day. its sooo selfish, but it sort of gives me this egde and makes me cofident. before you rebuttle, hear me out. it also gives me an oppertunity to wittness to even more people. it really does strike me as apauling at the same time though to think that theres over 2500 unsaved people there too. that sort of diminishes my hope, but at the same time..sparks it back to life? ah i dont know if that makes sense.

but anyways. its 10:45. i will go to bed in 15 minutes. this will be posted.

so i wipped out my phone's calender [which by the way, i realized, calender is the most FUN word to write in cursive :D] and im going through everything that was significant enough for me to mark on there.

friday june 12th: end of school youth party. ah i remember this, not that many peole came, but we had a TON of food and almost as many parents as youth. and a bunch of the non-regulars went, like the rieds, [at that time] rob and hope, and then there was me, leah, ashley, stephen, kimberly, cc, thomas? ah, yeah. hah. and i remember spending the night afterwards at ashley's and having her parents say how badly it had stormed in our area while we had out party. remember last years?? it STORMED the entire time, and by the grace of God, this year, he kept it dry!

saturday june 20 was the WV trip: i never quite made up my mind to go, and in the end i really could have. but i backed out like 3 days before. i actually cried the day you guys left. but i dont know if i regret making that decision.

tuesday june 23: i was supposed to babysit some kids and i definitively recall showing up at the monkey joes were the family and i were taking them and waiting for nearly half an hour. quite a dissapointment, really.

wednesday june 24: attempt number 1 at getting my permit. *couchs*

thursday june 25: i went to the beach with my cousin madison and my uncle steve. it was so great. especially after it stormed. ahhhhh it was so beautiful. God and i got real close there. :] i also remember prank-texting mitch's ex gf and we actually became friends, ahahah. she was really interesting, but reminded me too much of hunter, and so i stopped talking to her. our conversations were really funny though.

surprisingly enough, i dont have anything on listed until the 15th, which was when harry potter came out, and i never saw. still havent actually. but anyways, during that time i failed the dmv test again :\ ah, ha.

tuesday july 21: carowinds with youth! hahah that was fuuuunn. i rode borg!! AND I DIDNT PUKE!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD we also realized how mother like mama sean really is :]

at some point, i failed the dmv test again.

nuff said for now, i wrote a day by day adgenda at camp, and i'll post that later, but i have two minutes.

tuesday august 4th: i finally got my permit. yip yip! haha

wednesday august 5th: left for boston, again, ill post a day by day plan thing later.

tuesday august 11th: i came home from boston

ahh, and all throughout this, i deffinitively hung out with my most favorite people A LOT.

and just of yesterday august 23: cc's amazing bonfire party. that was so much fun. and gab abi and steph slept over. check facebook later for pictures, like wedneday.

ah, but its 11:02, and i NEED to go to bed. but at least i dont have to get up at 4:45 like last year. my bus comes at 6:15 now!! yay!

ah oh my gosh. its hitting me. school tomorrow.
holy pooop.
i havent even picked out my outfit for the first day. is that stupid? tell me its a girl thing. ahh.

i love woodlands.
i love grace youth.
i love jesus.
i loved summer.

summer 09 was mighty fine :D

Sunday, August 23, 2009

in the beginning

how do i begin?
what do i say?
do i let my mind do the talking
and my fingers do the walking?
should i blow you away with the words i cant find,
and give you some hidden meaning in disguise?

they always say inspiration is key
or were they talking about creativity?
dont they know this is frustrating me?

think fast.
but dont over think,
lets think this through.
all we gotta do is think. think. think.

"impressive," whispers the critic
"unique," says the artist
"amen." finishes the preacher
"objection!" shouts the lawyer
"overruled." declares the judge.

how do i end?
what do i say?
how do you announce closing time
and cloak it in a nursery rhyme?
blink once. twice. three times.
and watch our shadows