Tuesday, August 25, 2009

last day of the best summer

i specifically told myself i was going to bed at 10:30.
its 10:38.
i just couldnt let the last day of summer end so abruptly. so i didnt have a picture perfect summer ending like the one on the sisterhood of the traveling pants. i didnt sit out on my roof and watch the sunset like i wanted to. however mowing the grass while singing praise songs and ever so often, looking up at the pink and blue sky does suffice.

i wanted to remember every bit of this summer, it seemed so good. and for once, it didnt seem to fly by. to say im missing school is not the right term. neither is wanting to be there. more like... need to be there. some people hate the school environment, infact, most christians do. but i sort of see it as an expirement, and i guess a chance to be different. it thrills me knowing that im one of few people who will get to see jesus one day. its sooo selfish, but it sort of gives me this egde and makes me cofident. before you rebuttle, hear me out. it also gives me an oppertunity to wittness to even more people. it really does strike me as apauling at the same time though to think that theres over 2500 unsaved people there too. that sort of diminishes my hope, but at the same time..sparks it back to life? ah i dont know if that makes sense.

but anyways. its 10:45. i will go to bed in 15 minutes. this will be posted.

so i wipped out my phone's calender [which by the way, i realized, calender is the most FUN word to write in cursive :D] and im going through everything that was significant enough for me to mark on there.

friday june 12th: end of school youth party. ah i remember this, not that many peole came, but we had a TON of food and almost as many parents as youth. and a bunch of the non-regulars went, like the rieds, [at that time] rob and hope, and then there was me, leah, ashley, stephen, kimberly, cc, thomas? ah, yeah. hah. and i remember spending the night afterwards at ashley's and having her parents say how badly it had stormed in our area while we had out party. remember last years?? it STORMED the entire time, and by the grace of God, this year, he kept it dry!

saturday june 20 was the WV trip: i never quite made up my mind to go, and in the end i really could have. but i backed out like 3 days before. i actually cried the day you guys left. but i dont know if i regret making that decision.

tuesday june 23: i was supposed to babysit some kids and i definitively recall showing up at the monkey joes were the family and i were taking them and waiting for nearly half an hour. quite a dissapointment, really.

wednesday june 24: attempt number 1 at getting my permit. *couchs*

thursday june 25: i went to the beach with my cousin madison and my uncle steve. it was so great. especially after it stormed. ahhhhh it was so beautiful. God and i got real close there. :] i also remember prank-texting mitch's ex gf and we actually became friends, ahahah. she was really interesting, but reminded me too much of hunter, and so i stopped talking to her. our conversations were really funny though.

surprisingly enough, i dont have anything on listed until the 15th, which was when harry potter came out, and i never saw. still havent actually. but anyways, during that time i failed the dmv test again :\ ah, ha.

tuesday july 21: carowinds with youth! hahah that was fuuuunn. i rode borg!! AND I DIDNT PUKE!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD we also realized how mother like mama sean really is :]

at some point, i failed the dmv test again.

nuff said for now, i wrote a day by day adgenda at camp, and i'll post that later, but i have two minutes.

tuesday august 4th: i finally got my permit. yip yip! haha

wednesday august 5th: left for boston, again, ill post a day by day plan thing later.

tuesday august 11th: i came home from boston

ahh, and all throughout this, i deffinitively hung out with my most favorite people A LOT.

and just of yesterday august 23: cc's amazing bonfire party. that was so much fun. and gab abi and steph slept over. check facebook later for pictures, like wedneday.

ah, but its 11:02, and i NEED to go to bed. but at least i dont have to get up at 4:45 like last year. my bus comes at 6:15 now!! yay!

ah oh my gosh. its hitting me. school tomorrow.
holy pooop.
i havent even picked out my outfit for the first day. is that stupid? tell me its a girl thing. ahh.

i love woodlands.
i love grace youth.
i love jesus.
i loved summer.

summer 09 was mighty fine :D

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