Sunday, August 30, 2009


i think its about time i tell my youth group how much i freakin love them. CC's critique inspired me. the whole time i was sitting there i reading it, i was like 'holy crap this girl is one of the prettiest i know, and shes dissing her awesome body?!' [no homo]. i was getting pretty upset. haha.

cecelia chapman. you are a beautiful person. inside and out. you have gorgeous hair that curls just the right ways and dries excellently when soaked with chlorine. you have an amazing eye color, and i'd kill for your soccer body ahahah. again, no homo. and in case you really havent noticed, we do call you momma for a reason. the attributes that come with a mother apply to you, courage, perseverance, integrity, kindness yet sternness, and of course, beauty. you keep us all in line, but in such a good way. i really look up to you as a sister in christ too. your faith also seems so.. intact! i admire how strong of a christian and as a person you are.did i mention what a freakin genuis you are?! oh, and dont let people discourage you, your so much bettter than that :]

steffhiney. you too look down on yourself too much. you say youre fat. well guess what, you are THIN. you just see your height and your boobs [haha]. me, i see your personality. i love all of your annoying quirks. i dont care if your family is messed up, idk how you managed it, but you came out AMAZING. youre so much fun to be around, so.. interesting ahahha. youre definitively not a horse, but you are a veggie lover and im proud of you for keepin it up. i think you and i get things that no one else gets. we have a lot in common and its nice to have some one like that. stephine nicole price, i will always love you.

abigayle. i love how you always manage to look good. i dont care if you dont shower or if your breath stinks or if your clothes dont match. YOU STILL LOOK GOOOD. youre hysterical and you get away with it. you are one incredible artist. seriously, you have a lot of potential with that. your perspective on life is so different that its inspiring. i think people see you and see a crazy white girl. but i see an incredible human being. its weird how only three years ago i saw you, this LONG HAIRED cheerleader, brittnay mini me, lol. and now, youre this astonishing chick molded into God's hands. i absolutely adore you abiiiideee.

gabby! i love you child! youre so funny when you try and insult people, mainly cause all we hear is your love. its awesome how you get away with crap that no one else can. you have the best taste in music. not too many people our age are into the oldies like you, and that makes you so unique, but in a great way. you are such a cool person. dont let highschool intimidate you. its gonna suck, sorry. but i hope you find some happiness in it. STAY STRONG!

ah, stephen, stephen, stephen. where to begin? youre not like any guy i know. first off, your christian for cryin out loud! do you know how rare it is, to find an honest christian guy who's not jerkish? haha dont get me wrong, sometimes i want to punch you in the ovaries, but for the most part youre awesome, no offense hahah :] youre like a brother to me, i feel like ive known you forever but havent grown close until we grew up. you radiate christ and i love it. i think God has amazing plans for you. i love the late night slexts, and how we can talk about anything. i think we understand eachother in so many ways. you mean a lot to me bruh.

robert!! dude youre the coolest southern guy i know. if i had to ask for another older brother, it would be you. youre protective and loving- what more could a girl ask for? youre a Godly guy and your faith is impetuous. youre a good person to fall back on, very reliable. thankyou for not being a jerkface :] i love you!

la la la leah: remember back to the old days when we were both dragged to choir practice and we played together? gosh we were so silly then. i remember the rock poker, and imaginary friends [oh gosh] and the monkeys. DEFINITIVELY the monkeys. hahah ohh my gosh. we were some strange kids. i miss that. i think we both changed drastically. sometimes i wish it was still like that, where we could pretend all of our problems away. i miss hanging out with you. youre such an incredible persn. if you really ever need me, you know im here :]

to all my loves:
i really will forever love you guys. youre some of the most important people in my life. forget school friends, i have my YOUTH GROUP. theyre some of the most awesome people ever.
i think the friendships we have are impenetrable. and thats because of jesus. without him, we wouldnt have known eachother. seriously. you guys are one of the best things thats ever happened to me.
thanks God for giving me the best friends, ever :]

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