Wednesday, August 26, 2009

what happened?

is anyone else horrified by what our world is becoming? i cant believe how blind i've been by this all my life.

JEWS. say something against them and you get the antisemitism card pulled on you.
MUSLIMS. poke fun at their apparel and get lectured on their choices.
ATHEISTS. say something against an atheist and get looked down upon for not respecting a right.
CHRISTIANS. say something negative and watch everyone else join in.

Christians. We suffer more than the Jews ever did. And yet, no one cares but us.

why is it that when people give lectures on respecting religions, that christianity never gets accounted for.
why are christians the only ones accused of being hypocrites? do we all not drive cars yet complain about the destruction of our ozone?

why is it that we are mocked for having strong beliefs, for having confidence in something, for not being swayed by the media, for not acting like the rest of the world?

in the mid 1900's, blacks got punished for having a different skin color.
we all look back on it now and have clearly accepted them; they are a part of american history.
yet as the years wage on, our country is becoming less attracted to christianity. is it not what got us here in the first place? so why are people every day getting rebuked for living the christian life? do they not see that we are getting treated just as the jews were at the beginning of the holocaust or during segregation?

so tell me, world,
why do you choose to believe a theory that was thought up of merely 200 years ago. why do you deny one of the oldest books in the history of time?

why do you turn your nose to christianity when its what founded our country?
america seems to be all about nationalism, and being united as one, so why dont we practice what brought our country together in the first place?

america is quick to deny the truth yet eager to accept that which hasnt been proved.

why does america want to remove 'in God we trust" from our currency? why change history, why erase all of the past just because it doesnt apply to your life. why cant people have respect towards christianity like they would a buddhist or a mormon or a naturalist.

suddenly, "Jesus" has become a taboo in schools. a bad word. a curse word. and yet, a whisper of his name could have healed someone two thousand years ago.

its written clearly in front of us.
so why cant we see it?

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