Saturday, December 26, 2009

i cant sleep

its 7:03 and i cant sleep. i think my mind went on auto-self power around 5:50, cause im still not used to the whole sleeping in thing. but really, im just thinkin about my guitar :]]]
seriously, theres so much to learn, and im so EAGER to learn! and my uncle, aka an awesomeeee musician, is in town, and he was showin me some stuff last night. he jammed out on my bad boy. hahah i want to name my guitar, cause all my friends who play have named theirs. its usually after boyssss or something like that. but idk what i should name mine. i was thinking about naming it after some character from the bible, but i havent decided. ahh idk. call me obessessed, but im a little kid with a new toy.
actually, im a little kid with LOTS of new toys. toys i totally shouldnt have. i know im spoiled in somethings, like friendship and love, but material possessions...idk, with mom's whole lack of job thing, i havent had much of anything. im totally not complaining though, because, hellooo, its been like that for a long time. i think both my parents just wanted to finally give me worthwhile things. well thats what my brother told me at least. cause i was feeling really guilty over everything.
mann am i selfcentered today!
its 7:09 and im really hungry. its weird. ive been goin to bed realllyy late, only to wake up realllyyy early. and it sucksssssssssss. cause i want sleep.
but i really like my guitar. ima try and post a pic of it...

its a silvertune, nothin fancy, which is exactly what i need.
thats spike. he was checkin it outt.

but anyways. im not any less tired, yet awake, than i was 12 minutes ago. im still excited about what can learn. i think i learned about 4 chords yesterday. kimya dawson's songs have about that many in the whole thing. so im gonna see if i can learn her songs. for the record though, incase ANYONE is curious, i've learned A, C, D, and G majorrrrr. :DDD it makes me happy to speak guitarrrrrrrr. hahahahh. okay. IM ALLOWED TO BE EXCITED, RIGHT?!
good. cause i am. cause ive waited since 8th grade to finally get one of these suckers. :DDDDD

thanks God for being so providing :]
seriously, there was no way that we could have normally afforded ANY of this, just by our wimpy incomes. oh no, some DIVINEEEE money went into these spendings.
like the day before christmas eve, my mom took my brother and i dressy clothes shopping, something we've needed since forever. btw, shes finally gettin her income back in with this new debt relief help job shes got. cause everyone's in debt, and shes the gal to get you out. its kind of nice, actually. cause its one of those government system beating programs. but anyways, so we went shopping, and i was in need of a coat, and i ended up getting this REALLY nice one. long story short, between my brother, myself, and a few christmas gifts, we rung up almost 500 dollars worth of stuff. then, the cashier scanned a coupon we had, scanned another thing behind her teller, my mom used her khols card, and waaabaaam, its five bucks over 200 dollars. but lemme tell ya, we got a BUNCH of clothes!! it was aaahhhhmazzin! its sooo crazy to see God work this..LIVE in our lives! aha if that makes sense. like hes never been so..surreal? i guess. ahh idk. im just really thankful for everything.

okay, and i know this is a really selfcentered post, and it prolly makes me sound like a rich little white chick, but IM NOT! im just thankful! i am. i dont like being spoiled! dont think bad thoughts pleassssee!

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