Monday, December 7, 2009

oh man.

my essay sucks.
its 12:01 am and i think im going to die.
not really, but sometimes i think its better than whats to come. lets seeeee
-spend and eternity in heaven with God?
-go to school an fail at everything?

im just sayin. sometimes it doesnt sound so bad.

back to my essay. i realized how off topic i am through two whole pages of the essay. shes gonna count off hard on that one. :/ ugh. i wish i could just work on it one more day. I HATE THAT I WAITED THIS LONG. this is why i hate my undisciplined self. ugh. ugh. ugh. ugh.
i told my mom all this and she said, "eh youre probably gonna be kickin yourself for a while about this one, arent ya?"
all i said is "something like that."

meanwhile, i think my computer has a virus. not only that but it started putting random porno icons on my computer. TALK ABOUT FRICKEN AWKWARD. so i gave up and just went back to using my moms. ugh.
i think im doing everything wrong.
i wish i could just skipp the next two weeks of my life. theyre gonna be so hard. ugh.
okay. well if you'll excuse me, im going to go print this failure of an essay and prolly go cry my eyes out now. mk?

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