Wednesday, December 16, 2009

some people never change.
whether the level of ignorance is bold, or whether they've noticed the change is needed,
it's still a disappointment to see the lack of adjustments.

sometimes, the change is blunt and brutal.
that it happens so fast that it's hardly witnessed.
but, the effects are never forgotten.

other times the change can easily be seen.
it may be slow and gradual, but progressing nonetheless.

change is tricky
and oh so easily conceived.
yet change within yourself might be harder accomplished.
this time, it belongs solely to you.
mind over matter, they say.
but what if you've lost your mind?
what if the wanted accomplishment is too vast for your mind to conquer?
what if the big picture is too big for your canvas?

what if youre just scared?
what if youre nervous for the furture?
frighten by what it holds.
intimidated by its consequences.
worried for how you'll accept them.

sometimes you cant see your own change coming.

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