Sunday, January 3, 2010

the words are coming out

the dreams aren't so still
its not your fault
youre just here for the thrill
your conscious is screaming
right and wrong fight for your soul
the message is clear
youre loosing all control.
reoccurring, they haunt you at night
you wake and you wake and you toss and you turn
its obvious everywhere,
youre filled with concern.
but why fight the inevitable
what you cant overcome
your conscious is mocking you
waiting for you to succumb
some call it foreshadowing
others call it fate
its the sin thats got you hooked
the reason why you hate.
in the dreams it's so real
it brings you a scare
could you ever get that desperate?
its your only prayer.
you feel obligated
yet want to fight
its so easy to sink in
until everything's alright.
your breath uneven
your voice you cannot trust
so hear yourself now
"ive got to fight, its something i must."
its something thats feared, hated
yet part of you yearns
the easy escape,
so much simpler than he who learns.
another day, another war wound;
the battle still rages on
its only a dream,
a night till its gone.

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