Sunday, September 20, 2009


oh my gosh. so my dad was taking me back home from his house and we stopped to get some gas. as he's filling it up, i heard a squeakish meow coming from the car. i heard it like 3 times and was convinced it was a cat. mkay so i start opening the glovebox, banging on the dashboard, looking for this dang cat. i jump out of the car and pop to hood and start looking around for it in there. my dad had the idea to back the car under the light and look, and when he started the car, the cat ran out from under it!!
it was a little back kitten! no more than 2 months old.. i dont know, prolly way less. who knowss.
i caught it and we eventually went back home while i had the poor little thing under my jacket. it was so scared, i felt so bad for it. and it kept meowing. BUT IT WAS SO CUTE!

so bev wanted to kind of keep it, but we have no moneys so we took it outside and grabbed a flash light and looked around in the bushes right next to my house.

my dad knew that there were some critters living there but we didnt know cats did. so i put down the little thing, which is actually a girl, and she walked around a little. meowed, but frankly, looked lost. so i picked her back up and took her inside and took pictures of her. we were gonna name it, but we would have gottened attatched. but my dad was like lets name it lucky, and i said how about grace, and bev said PT cause she came out from the pt cruiser.

by then it was getting late, so we took her deeper into the shrubbery and set her down. this time she was more cautious. she wandered into one bush, then meowed like crazy and this other cat, also black comes up. my dad didnt see it, but i told him about it. so i guess they found eachother. it was really sad, but sweet at the same time. there was much holding and petting and kissing before i let the little tyke go. i wanted her so badly. she was sooo preciousss. here are some pictures. they arent in the best quality, but theyre so cute. she was really little. i mean she could fit into the palm of my hand, but not very well, lol.

<-this one was supposed to be for porportion, thats like a 15x17 picture frame so...

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