Tuesday, September 15, 2009


holy moley this took forever. thank you GOD for telling me what to write, cause i didnt know.
yeah im about to post it on here. im darn proud of this sucker. and besides, i mention 'my youth group' once, hahaha.

Mark Twain said it right when he said “Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.” Any member of a community or society has a duty to perform for the well being of the area. Whether a society is considered to be a school, or in a neighborhood, or just in a general vicinity, everyone has a social part to play. To be responsible in terms fitting a member of society means to respect your environment, to give back to your community, and to not abuse the power of freedom.

Your environment isn’t just the surrounding nature, it’s the people too. To be environmentally responsible doesn’t just mean to be “eco-friendly,” but to also have respect for those around you. This includes cleaning up for yourself, and being considerate towards others. Take a walk down the street and pay attention to the ground, it’s littered in cigarette butts and blackened gum; at nearly every stop light a similar sight can be seen. Out side of stores and in parking lots, the pattern continues. Seeing the little, round, black spots decorating the sidewalk is unappealing to everyone and personally encourages me not to even walk there. A responsible and respectful member to the community would never consider polluting any common place like this.

A major role of a responsible citizen is giving back. It doesn’t matter if it’s contributing to your particular society or even that of another country’s. Every community needs some kind of help; the only action necessary consists of selecting a role. For me, my youth group and I went on a mission’s trip to West Virginia last year and worked on two homes together. We repaired and painted several things both inside and out of the house, preformed yard work, and improved their overall community. We finished over the course of a week and the homes looked immensely better. The owners of both homes were truly enlightened by our efforts, and the surrounding community was grateful too. Performing community service is one of the most beneficial parts of being a member of society.

One of the harder areas of being a responsible community member is not abusing the power of freedom. Living in the United States comes with many opportunities to express one’s opinions, feelings, and basically anything one wishes. An anonymous author once said that “freedom doesn’t mean you can do anything you want, but that you must be responsible for your freedom.” As a responsible person however, learning to control the power of rights is vital. Rules and normality are what holds a community together, if they are disrupted, the whole community is affected. Likewise, if the rules are broken, be prepared and accountable to accept consequences. Controlling one’s freedom is an important factor to being a responsible member of a community

Responsibility, as it relates to being a member of society, consists of attributes that have effects towards the entire community. These include respect, consideration towards others, a willingness to help, and being competent to abide to rules. A member of society will achieve responsibility by acting upon these characteristics.

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