Monday, September 14, 2009

dont read this if you dont want to hear me complain

i told you not to read this, because for the next several paragraphs, i will be complaining, A LOT. so seriously, if you hate it when people do this, TOO BAD.
today sucked, to say the least. im tired of highschool sucking. why cant i ever enjoy it? i was so tired and groggy when i woke up today, and cold, for some reason. i grabbed my freshly warmed pj pants out of the dryer and headed out the door. the bus seemed later than usual, and i was out the whole bus ride. i almost didnt wake up when it was time to get off the bus. i had awful cramps last night and they continued this morning. my hair was gross and it got even worse after gym. speaking of which, the gym is so dang hot. and gross. and sticky. and the locker room is WORSE. its HUMID. and SICK. NASTY. and it smells. oh and then during basket ball like three guys all jumped for the ball and landed on me, and i fell back and my shoulder blade on the wheel to a volley ball net pole. and later on, this jerk jeremy like punched me in the arm making me drop the ball. it almost made me cry it hurt so badly. and it left a bruise. =(
during math i failed a quiz, correct the teacher twice, and almost fell asleep.
english is so discouraging. like seriously, i would "go happy" in that class if i could. stephen knows what i mean. the people are so judgemental, and the teacher is so narrowminded. i hate how i sit complete opposite from the door in that room, because when i enter, i have to cross the whole dang class, attracting stares, until i sit down and take out my books. ms blue is making english a dreaded subject for me. i had everything so planned out nicely with my essay and shes making me rewrite it because it doesnt "follow her suggestions." im like, lady, there ARE other ways of writing. she doesnt understand a single word i say and so it makes me so unsure of myself when im asked to repeat myself several times. its like each time i try and simple it up for her, and then she accuses me of not "elaborating."
shes gonna make me hate that word with a passion when im older, so that when i hear it, i just automatically cringe. its already taking effect.

biology was boring. i got my new teacher, ms day, and shes boring, definitively not who i thought she was. but shes trying, and thats all that matters.
but towards the end of the class, i sort of got into a religious argument with the girl in front of me. she said something about elevation and i coughed *cough theyareinitforthemoney cough* thing. and she was all offended and shes like, no im trying to be a good little church girl. and im like, a what? and shes like, 'yeah, i have to be for my parents!' and im like, are you a christian, and shes like yeah, and i said, im a christian, and i frankly find "good little church girl" quite offending. and shes like, well thats what im trying to be, and im sitting here thinking, no, you should try to be like jesus.
"good little church girl" is an insult to most christians. it made me upset. so i went to stand up to throw something away, and when i came back i sat down with like one leg in my chair, kind of funny, but i ripped my pj pants. not bad or anywhere embarrissing, it was just on the top part, like it got caught on a bolt on the chair and ripped =[

so then i get home, and its hot my house, its hot outside, the heat is so inescapable. then for some reason, my mom tries and "bond" with me and shes trying to talk to me about this sermon she heard, which i dont mind, its just she takes on this whole other..person when she does. like every time i try and talk about God, her voice gets softer and she talks slower, and she looks at me differently. like.. its like that awkward voice you hear when your getting the birds and the bee's talk. like it just makes you uncomfortable no matter what we were talking about. it makes me irritated though.

and i really dont want to do this esssay thats due on wednesday. the prompt is a definition of a responsible person as it relates to society. what the heck does that mean?? recycle? dont break laws? be nice to other people??
i tried to write it with a school society, but its the idea shes shooting down. so now i get to conform to the rest of the class and write about the same crap as everyone else!
the question is though, what?
i really dont get it. how does recycling make you a responsible person? it doesnt. it makes you eco-friendly.

when she read over my origional, she said that i was focusing too much on one person, on the reader. and im like, well does one person not effect the whole crowd? she said my thesis was all wrong even though i practically copied the examples, only changed the major parts. i just dont get it. im considering just taking a zero for this grade and doing really well on everything else. but idk how that will work out.
now im thinking ill just stick with my ideas and just take the grade i get from that. i honestly dont care anymore.
today just sucked.
all i want to do is sleep.

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