Wednesday, October 13, 2010

everything that i've done, i really do owe to God.

i cannot imagine what my life would be like if God was not my prime motivator. earlier today it hit me in the hallways- wow, i am so thankful to be living for God. and not for others. i have no one to impress but myself. i dont have to subject to any silly or foolish commands, everything God commands me to do is justified by his word. i dont have to listen to the world, God is whispering every move in my ear! it's fantastic...when i listen at least.
i imagined today to be a very difficult day. outwardly, i complained of how painstaking my homework load was. but really, it wasnt all that bad. i mean yes, this is the most ive had all year, but that's my fault. im the one who procrastinated- what i'm saying is, i was able to do it diligently through God.
someone recently pointed out to me that one way of glorifying God is through diligently trying, giving something your very best and nothing less. because when you reach full potential, God gives His potential to you.
it was 7pm. my spanish lab partners had just left, we actually got a lot of work done, from 5:30-6:30. we talked about all the nights work we had to do- and unison groan echoed through my dining room. by 8pm i had eaten dinner and braced myself for what was to come. but my eyelids grew very droopy. i set a 7 minute timer on my phone and decided to give my eyes a break. i set the short alarm, quickly begging God that this would give me the energy to keep going. the timer went off and i tried resetting my alarm to go off at 8:12. i remember falling into a pretty deep sleep, when i suddenly felt the need to get up and get going. i awoke very quickly, and i felt extremely well rested. i checked the clock-8:18, i never remembered hearing the alarm. God had woken me up! in my sleepy awakening, i reset my alarm for the am, but God nudged me awake. he said "lets go, you can do this. here have some stregnth!" and he just mercifully gave it to me, with me barely asking! and here it is, 12:30, and i feel super energized, well sort of. i had just enough left in me to write this, and also read some scripture.

I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus, that in every way you were enriched in him in all speech and knowledge, so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gifts, as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will sustain you to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord. God is faithful, by whom you wer called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

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