Saturday, October 30, 2010

october 30th

i am sleeping way too much than i should be. but i feel like i really need it. i took night time cold meds last night, hoping to officially terminate this flubug, but all it did was extremely tire me even more. i was already exhausted by midnight, so falling asleep was not the hard part. getting up was. i slept for nine hours, i should have felt refreshed, but i felt awful. like i got hit by a truck in my sleep. i got up to hopefully get an early start on my paper, but thirty minutes later, i was knocked out again. i got up periodically at 10 and then 12 to pee, but i was still tired so i slept again until 1:3o. thats the latest ive ever slept.
so i got up and read for the next hour, promising myself that i would start my paper at three. i went to take a shower, but it ended up being one of those "sit in the tub and shave with the shower running" showers, but i found myself sitting there staring into space. it was scary, i took a 30 minute shower- that isnt typical of me. i got out, got dressed, and sat down on my bed. the next thing that i know, i am out cold. well, warm really. it was 4 pm and im bundled up next to my cats sleeping. suddenly, i awake to a car alarm. some idiot's car alarm went off about every 8 minutes for the next hour. the same hour that i spent sleeping...again. i deciced to get up when i heard my mother yelling about dinner. it was 6 o'clock. i hadnt started my paper at all. and here i am, freaking out, because i shouldnt be this tired!
really thinking about it, i think i slept over 18 hours in the past twenty four hours. and i am still very tired. i could curl up in a ball and sleep the rest of the night, if i allowed myself to. but my rough draft is due monday, and i still dont know how to incorporate a visual into my paper. i really havent done enough research, i know this for fact. i'm terrible, miserable, setting my own doom. if it were a research paper, this thing would be done. i would have my visual, i could ownnnnn any topic. why did i have to pick such a dumb topic? "the constitution does not support the separation of church and state." blahh boring. why am i making myself do this?
what the heck is wrong with me?

1 comment:

  1. i know the feeling of being that tired. your body is screaming at you to slow down. yes, bad timing. but yes, its needed. work, school, the stress, it totally exhausts your mental and physical health. weakens the immune system, you get sick and it doesnt help anything. sleep is necessary for healing. i understand being that tired. my body just shut down on me, and i collapsed.
