Sunday, October 10, 2010

a justified offence.

offending people. it seems like thats all i do these days.
the first amendment says we have freedom of religion, assembly, press, petition, and speech. and yet, if it suddenly offends someone, no doubt one of my promises are taken from me. like at school, i was brutally reprimanded by a friend for talking about the differences of denominations, while also talking about forming a CYC club. lets see, that takes away 1)religion, 2)assembly, and 3)speech. all because people don't like what i'm having to say.
on that same day, i wrote a very biblically supported argument to my friend about how this is what i'm called to do- offend people, make them feel uncomfortable in their current ungodly situations. in matthews, jesus eats with the pharisees, and they call him out for not cleaning before eating, and he's like "dont worry about me, i am good. you are bad. you care more about your fancy practices than the heart inside. WOE TO YOU!" and the phariesees are like "you offend us!" and jesus is like "you offend God for doing this!" and it just about shuts them up.

well, what if the present day church was offending God today? God is significant, right? YES. so is the president, right? yeahh. so why do people dress up for the president, but not for God. would you show up to the white house in sweat pants, or jerseys, or low cut tops, skinny jeans, (or jeans none the less) or in a hat? no, you wouldnt. so why would you show up to church like that. God doesnt want to see that. the bible says not to worry about what you wear, but it also calls us to respect God and ourselves with what we do wear.

i also dont understand how people can be offended by something when it doesnt even apply to them. like non practicing catholics. theyre comfirmed when they're little, but dont go to church anymore. if you dont care about something, then how can you even form an opinion about it? its not justified.

i think the monks had it right. to be completely separated from the world, in a peaceful environment, just meditating on scripture day and night. a lot of these modern day churches are about emotions; they feed off of them. "listen to our sappy song, watch our depressing video. now give some money or i'll make you feel even worse." thats what elevation was about today. or on others "listen to our revved up music with our fancy lights, listen to us NOT praise God by conforming to the patterns of this world(despite what romans 12 tells us!)" it just bothers me, thats how they get people going. through emotion. when they sing songs like "i found you jesus, i was dead and now i am alive because i found you." or something like that. it isnt even true. jesus found YOU. you did nothing. bah. i cant even describe any of this right. i guess i should just go back to writing my own paper. just had to get this out.

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